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Version: 22.14.0

实验性 WebDriver BiDi 支持

¥Experimental WebDriver BiDi support

WebDriver 双向 是一种新的跨浏览器自动化协议,目前正在开发中,旨在结合 WebDriver“经典”和 CDP 的优点。WebDriver BiDi 保证双向通信,默认情况下速度很快,并且包含底层控制。

¥WebDriver BiDi is a new cross-browser automation protocol currently under development, aiming to combine the best of both WebDriver “Classic” and CDP. WebDriver BiDi promises bi-directional communication, making it fast by default, and it comes packed with low-level control.


¥See also:

使用 Chrome 和 Firefox 实现自动化

¥Automate with Chrome and Firefox

Puppeteer 支持 Chrome 和 Firefox 的 WebDriver BiDi 自动化。

¥Puppeteer supports WebDriver BiDi automation with Chrome and Firefox.

Firefox 集成的功能已接近与之前基于 CDP 的方法相当。在 专门公告 中了解更多信息。

¥Firefox integration is nearing feature parity with its previous CDP-based approach. Learn more in the dedicated announcement.


¥Measuring progress

为了衡量 WebDriver BiDi 的功能,我们利用了综合 Puppeteer 测试套件

¥To gauge the capabilities of WebDriver BiDi, we utilized the comprehensive Puppeteer test suite

  • 对于 Firefox,与 CDP 实现相比,目前有 30 个失败测试,而超过 140 个新测试成功利用了 WebDriver BiDi,展示了其不断增长的潜力。

    ¥For Firefox, there are currently under 30 failing tests compared to the CDP implementation, while over 140 new tests successfully utilize WebDriver BiDi, demonstrating its growing potential.

  • 对于 Chrome,大约 85% 的测试通过 WebDriver BiDi,这表明与基于 CDP 的方法相比还有改进的空间。

    ¥For Chrome, around 85% of tests pass with WebDriver BiDi, indicating room for improvement compared to the CDP-based approach.


¥Get started

下面是使用 WebDriver BiDi 启动 Firefox 或 Chrome 的示例:

¥Below is an example of launching Firefox or Chrome with WebDriver BiDi:

import puppeteer from 'puppeteer';

const browser = await puppeteer.launch({
product: 'firefox', // or 'chrome'
protocol: 'webDriverBiDi',
const page = await browser.newPage();
await browser.close();

这是迈向更加统一、高效的跨浏览器自动化体验的激动人心的一步。我们鼓励你与 Puppeteer 一起探索 WebDriver BiDi,并与我们一起塑造浏览器自动化的未来。

¥This is an exciting step towards a more unified and efficient cross-browser automation experience. We encourage you to explore WebDriver BiDi with Puppeteer and join us in shaping the future of browser automation.

WebDriver BiDi 支持的 Puppeteer 功能

¥Puppeteer features supported over WebDriver BiDi

  • 浏览器自动化

    ¥Browser automation

    • Puppeteer.launch

    • Browser.close

    • Browser.userAgent()

  • 页面自动化

    ¥Page automation

    • Page.bringToFront

    • Page.goBack()

    • Page.goForward()

    • Page.goto(refererreferrerPolicy 除外)

      ¥Page.goto (except referer and referrerPolicy)

    • Frame.goto()(refererreferrerPolicy 除外)

      ¥Frame.goto() (except referer and referrerPolicy)

    • Page.reload(ignoreCache 参数除外)

      ¥Page.reload (except for ignoreCache parameter)

    • Page.setViewport(仅限 widthheightdeviceScaleFactor

      ¥Page.setViewport (width, height, deviceScaleFactor only)

    • Page.cookies()

    • Page.setCookie()

    • Page.deleteCookie()

    • Page.workers()

    • PageEvent.WorkerCreated

    • PageEvent.WorkerDestroyed

    • Page.setExtraHTTPHeaders()

  • 脚本评估

    ¥Script evaluation:

    • JSHandle.evaluate

    • JSHandle.evaluateHandle

    • Page.evaluate

    • Page.exposeFunction

  • 选择器locators(ARIA 除外):

    ¥Selectors and locators except for ARIA:

    • Page.$(Chrome 支持的 ARIA 选择器)

      ¥Page.$ (ARIA selectors supported in Chrome)

    • Page.$$(Chrome 支持的 ARIA 选择器)

      ¥Page.$$ (ARIA selectors supported in Chrome)

    • Page.$$eval(Chrome 支持的 ARIA 选择器)

      ¥Page.$$eval (ARIA selectors supported in Chrome)

    • Page.$eval(Chrome 支持的 ARIA 选择器)

      ¥Page.$eval (ARIA selectors supported in Chrome)

    • Page.waitForSelector(Chrome 支持的 ARIA 选择器)

      ¥Page.waitForSelector (ARIA selectors supported in Chrome)

  • Input

    • ElementHandle.uploadFile


    • Keyboard.down


    • Keyboard.sendCharacter

    • Keyboard.type

    • Keyboard.up

    • 鼠标事件(专用的 drag'n'drop API 方法除外)

      ¥Mouse events (except for dedicated drag'n'drop API methods)

    • Page.tap

    • 触摸屏。*


  • JavaScript 对话框拦截

    ¥JavaScript dialog interception

    • page.on('对话')


    • 对话。*


  • 截图(并非所有参数都支持)

    ¥Screenshots (not all parameters are supported)

    • Page.screenshot(支持参数 clipencodingfullPage

      ¥Page.screenshot (supported parameters clip, encoding, fullPage)

  • PDF 生成(并非所有参数都支持)

    ¥PDF generation (not all parameters are supported)

    • Page.pdf(仅支持 formatheightlandscapemarginpageRangesprintBackgroundscalewidth

      ¥Page.pdf (only format, height, landscape, margin, pageRanges, printBackground, scale, width are supported)

    • Page.createPDFStream(仅支持 formatheightlandscapemarginpageRangesprintBackgroundscalewidth

      ¥Page.createPDFStream (only format, height, landscape, margin, pageRanges, printBackground, scale, width are supported)

  • 权限(仅在 Chrome 中支持)

    ¥Permissions (Supported in Chrome only)

    • BrowserContext.clearPermissionOverrides()

    • BrowserContext.overridePermissions()

  • 请求拦截

    ¥Request interception

    • HTTPRequest.abort() (no custom error support)

    • HTTPRequest.abortErrorReason()

    • HTTPRequest.continue()

    • HTTPRequest.continueRequestOverrides()

    • HTTPRequest.failure()

    • HTTPRequest.finalizeInterceptions()

    • HTTPRequest.interceptResolutionState()

    • HTTPRequest.isInterceptResolutionHandled()

    • HTTPRequest.response()

    • HTTPRequest.responseForRequest()

    • Page.authenticate()

    • Page.setRequestInterception()

    • Page.setUserAgent()

WebDriver BiDi 尚不支持 Puppeteer 功能

¥Puppeteer features not yet supported over WebDriver BiDi

  • 各种模拟(Chrome 支持大多数)

    ¥Various emulations (most are supported with Chrome)

    • Page.emulate()(仅在 Chrome 中支持)

      ¥Page.emulate() (supported only in Chrome)

    • Page.emulateCPUThrotdling()(仅在 Chrome 中支持)

      ¥Page.emulateCPUThrottling() (supported only in Chrome)

    • Page.emulateIdleState()(仅在 Chrome 中支持)

      ¥Page.emulateIdleState() (supported only in Chrome)

    • Page.emulateMediaFeatures()(仅在 Chrome 中支持)

      ¥Page.emulateMediaFeatures() (supported only in Chrome)

    • Page.emulateMediaType()(仅在 Chrome 中支持)

      ¥Page.emulateMediaType() (supported only in Chrome)

    • Page.emulateTimezone()(仅在 Chrome 中支持)

      ¥Page.emulateTimezone() (supported only in Chrome)

    • Page.emulateVisionDeficiency()(仅在 Chrome 中支持)

      ¥Page.emulateVisionDeficiency() (supported only in Chrome)

    • Page.setBypassCSP()(仅在 Chrome 中支持)

      ¥Page.setBypassCSP() (supported only in Chrome)

    • Page.setCacheEnabled()(仅在 Chrome 中支持)

      ¥Page.setCacheEnabled() (supported only in Chrome)

    • Page.setGeolocation()(仅在 Chrome 中支持)

      ¥Page.setGeolocation() (supported only in Chrome)

    • Page.setJavaScriptEnabled()(仅在 Chrome 中支持)

      ¥Page.setJavaScriptEnabled() (supported only in Chrome)

  • CDP 特定功能

    ¥CDP-specific features

    • Page.createCDPSession()(仅在 Chrome 中支持)

      ¥Page.createCDPSession() (supported only in Chrome)

    • HTTPRequest.client() (supported only in Chrome)

  • 跟踪(仅在 Chrome 中支持)

    ¥Tracing (supported only in Chrome)

  • Coverage (supported only in Chrome)

  • 辅助功能(仅在 Chrome 中支持)

    ¥Accessibility (supported only in Chrome)

  • 其他方法:

    ¥Other methods:

    • Frame.isOOPFrame()

    • Frame.waitForDevicePrompt()

    • HTTPResponse.buffer()

    • HTTPResponse.fromServiceWorker()

    • HTTPResponse.securityDetails()

    • Input.drag()

    • Input.dragAndDrop()

    • Input.dragOver()

    • Input.drop()

    • Page.emulateNetworkConditions()

    • Page.isDragInterceptionEnabled()

    • Page.isJavaScriptEnabled()(仅在 Chrome 中支持)

      ¥Page.isJavaScriptEnabled() (supported only in Chrome)

    • Page.isServiceWorkerBypassed()

    • Page.metrics()

    • Page.queryObjects()(仅在 Chrome 中支持)

      ¥Page.queryObjects() (supported only in Chrome)

    • Page.screencast()(仅在 Chrome 中支持)

      ¥Page.screencast() (supported only in Chrome)

    • Page.setBypassServiceWorker()

    • Page.setDragInterception()

    • Page.setOfflineMode()

    • Page.waitForDevicePrompt()

    • Page.waitForFileChooser()

    • PageEvent.popup

    • Target.opener()