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Version: 22.6.1

Chromium 支持

¥Chromium Support

支持以下 Chromium 版本,映射到 Puppeteer 版本。当给定版本的 Puppeteer 中的 Chromium 版本发生更改时,此列表会自动更新。如果未列出完全匹配的 Puppeteer 版本,则受支持的 Chromium 版本是 Puppeteer 之前版本的版本:

¥The following versions of Chromium are supported, mapped to Puppeteer version. This list is automatically updated when the version of Chromium changes in a given release of Puppeteer. If an exact matching version of Puppeteer isn't listed, the supported version of Chromium is that for the immediately prior version of Puppeteer: